  1. Bad Luck

From the recording Waiting for Rain

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Words and music by Gene Mills
Gene Mills, guitar and vocals; Missy Raines, bass


I live up on the 14th floor
a dozen flights from the ground
I live out on 14th street
a dozen blocks from downtown
I call you an old friend
never an old flame
But bad luck is bad luck
by any other name

I was late to work too much
and then I was let go
But I didn't cause those accidents
that made the traffic slow
I should have left more time
the boss said, giving me the blame
But bad luck is bad luck
by any other name

Call honeysuckle 'skunk cabbage'
it still smells as sweet
Call skunk cabbage 'honeysuckle'
you still smell rotten meat
You can call it turbulence
when you're going down in flames
But bad luck is bad luck
by any other name

The doctor says I've gotta quit
the cigarettes and booze
If I don't want a heart attack
I'll buy some running shoes
The odds may be against me
but it's still just a numbers game
And bad luck is bad luck
by any other name

Must have been those grapes were sour that you couldn't reach
Must have been you flunked
because your teacher couldn't teach
When you're caught red-handed
you can say that you've been framed
But bad luck is bad luck
by any other name